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My wife wrote the Book & Bunk 51 in a period of about four months. She sat down in March of 2004 and didn't get back up until June of that same year. I would leave for work at about seven in the morning and return at night about seven and she would still be working on the book. She worked consistently 10 and 12 hour a day until it was finished. The original book was about 850 pages we edited it down to its current version of 383 pages. Bette introduced herself to Terri Blackstock via e-mail and the rest is history. Terri Blackstock gave us pointers on editing and promoting our book and as you can see she did our foreword. This book is about life without Jesus Christ. In the Bible it says sin is pleasurable for a season and that is true but in the end it destroys you. Bette paints a picture that is unforgettable but true and unfortunately there are many people today who are living a lifestyle very similar. Ultimately this book points to The Book, the Bible and what God can do for a person who repents of their sin and receives Jesus Christ as Lord. Both Bette and I have been on the radio, worldwide in eight different languages. The first time we were on Words to Live By put out by RBC ministries that was in 2005 we were on 360 radio stations at that time. In 2007 they aired our testimony again, once again worldwide on 360 radio stations. In August of 2007, Pacific Garden Mission did a three-part series of Bette and I which consisted of my testimony, her testimony, and what Lookup Ministry was doing now in the field of prison and jail ministry. We were on 1600 radio stations worldwide in eight different languages. The name of that radio program is called Unshackled, they have been doing 1940s style radio programs with actors and sound effects since that time. What an honor it was to be part of that program. We have truly been blessed God has blessed me with the ability to do artwork. The majority of this work was produced in various prisons. I hope you take the time to review our web site, read some of the pages of Bette's book perhaps you know someone who's addicted to drugs or alcohol, maybe they're already in prison or jail this book could have a profound effect on their life. Also take a look at the artwork, any work you purchase helps us spread the gospel to more and more facilities. So please today, if you stop by our web site purchase a copy of the Book and Bunk 51 read it and pass it on and if you feel inclined buy a print and help us promote the Kingdom of God. Thank you so much for stopping by.

Because of Jesus,

Kevin & Bette Hammang                                                                                                                               


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